Auto Classify

Do you have items you don't need to track, but still want to scan on delivery?

With Auto Classify, an asset's classification is based on a special prefix of a scanned barcode. Classification happens automatically the first time the prefixed barcode is scanned in an action. This eliminates the need for a registration action on each individual asset.


How It Works

You will need to work with TrackAbout Support to provide Auto Classification mappings. We will need to know what barcode pattern equals which product code/asset type.

For example:

Barcode Pattern Product Code
^CAGE.$ Oyxgen125


For the Prefix Pattern: A regular expression (regex) pattern must be created. This likely requires developer involvement. The developer will need to know what the prefix is, how many characters to allow after the prefix ("no limit" is an option), and whether the characters after the prefix are alpha, numeric, or alphanumeric. At this time, there is no validation pattern.


Interested in setting up this feature? Contact TrackAbout Support to learn more.