Scan Barcode of Customer Number or Invoice Number
When doing deliveries, it is possible to make barcodes of your Customer Ids and your Invoice Numbers to scan during delivery. You will still have the option of manually keying these numbers in. Doing this requires use of the Free 3 of 9 font, which can be downloaded for free from the Internet, or your TrackAbout representative can email it to you.
First, a barcode must be encapsulated with asterisks. This is standard barcode symbology which denotes the beginning and the end of the barcode. For example, if the Customer Number is 123, then the barcode must consist of *123*
When you scan a barcode, you have several options for letting the handheld know whether you scanned the Customer Id or the Invoice Number. These options tell the handheld which field to put the number in. If your focus is on the Customer Id field, and you scan the Invoice Number, TrackAbout will know to put that number in the Invoice Number field. This helps to avoid user error.
You will need to work with your TrackAbout representative who will set up the option you want to use for telling the handheld which number is the Customer Id and which is the Invoice Number. For all of these examples, suppose that 123 is the Customer Id and 6789 is the Invoice Number.
If you would like to be able to scan your Customer IDs and / or Invoice Numbers, you must choose one of the following options.
Your options for how to set this up is listed below. More details about how these options work is provided with the first option.
1. Customer has a "+" prefix, Invoice has a "%" prefix.
To create a barcode of the Customer Id, prepend the Customer Id with "+", encapsulate in asterisks, and apply the barcode font. EX: *+123*
When you scan this number, even if your focus is on the Invoice Number field, TrackAbout will know that 123 is the Customer Id because the number has a "+" in front of it.
The "+" will not appear when you scan the number - the Customer Id will simply be 123. The "+" is only there to tell the handheld that this number goes in the Customer Id field.
To create a barcode of the Invoice Number, prepend the Invoice Number with "%", encapsulate in asterisks, and apply the barcode font. EX: *%6789*
When you scan this number, even if your focus is on the Customer Id field, TrackAbout will know that 6789 is the Invoice Number because the number has a "%" in front of it.
The "%" will not appear when you scan the number - the Invoice Number will simply be 6789. The "%" is only there to tell the handheld that this number goes in the Invoice Number field.
2. Customer has a "+" prefix, Anything without this prefix is the invoice. EX: *+123* and *6789*
3. Customer has a "%" prefix, Anything without this prefix is the invoice. EX: *%123* and *6789*
4. No special characters are needed.
Anything scanned is the invoice, Can't scan the customer
This option is not currently available with TrackAbout Mobile 7 (iOS and Android).
5. No special characters are needed.
If it matches the invoice format, use as invoice. If it matches the customer format, use as customer.
This option requires that you are using both Customer and Invoice number validation patterns.
This option is not currently available with TrackAbout Mobile 7 (iOS and Android).
6. No special characters are needed.
Free format for Everything, no prefix is used.
If the Customer field is empty, use as customer.
Otherwise, if the Invoice field is empty, use as invoice.
Otherwise, if the Purchase Order field is empty, use as purchase order.
This option is not currently available with TrackAbout Mobile 7 (iOS and Android).
7. No special characters are needed.
Free format, no prefix is used.
If the Customer field is empty, use as customer.
Otherwise, if the Invoice field is empty, use as invoice.
This option is not currently available with TrackAbout Mobile 7 (iOS and Android).