Tracking Labels

TrackAbout tracks assets by assigning a unique tracking code to each asset you want to track. The tracking code is put on a printed barcode or QR code, or a RFID tracking tag, and then attached to the asset for easy scanning. If you're using bar or QR codes, you'll need to print a label for each asset you're tracking, as well as extra labels for new assets and to replace damaged labels.

What kind of labels you use and how and where to apply them on an asset varies by the type of asset.

Purchasing TrackAbout-Recommended Labels

Our standard labels can be ordered from our webstore at

To order our QR Code labels, email

Not sure what label type to order? Email for assistance.


Please read Justification for TrackAbout Barcode Labels for some great information about why it's beneficial to purchase your labels through TrackAbout.

Still not sure what kind of labels you need? Check out some of our blog articles about RFID tags barcodes.

Related Pages

Generating barcodes

Best Practices for Applying Barcodes

Barcode Range Validation