Rental Minimum Billable Amount

There may be instances when the costs of processing, printing, and mailing a bill are more than the amount being billed. In these situations, it may be decided that rental bills below a certain dollar threshold will be handled differently to ensure that the charges on all bills are worth the costs of billing. In TrackAbout, this threshold is called a Minimum Billable Amount.

To set up a minimum billable amount, contact TrackAbout.

Options when rental bill is below minimum:

  • Do Not Bill Ever — The customer is never billed for rental amounts which fall below the set minimum for the month. Below minimum bills are forgiven.

  • Round Up To Minimum And Bill Customer — Bills which fall below the minimum are rounded up to the minimum and the customer is billed for the minimum amount.

    In this scenario, the rental bill will show the customer’s rental for the month plus an additional fee that looks like a flat fee. This additional fee is added to make up the difference between what the customer was actually charged for rental and the minimum billable amount. For example, if the customer is charged $2 for the month, and the minimum billable amount is $5, there will be a flat fee of $3 added to the bill to bring the bill up to the minimum.

    If you choose this option, you’ll need to give TrackAbout an accounting code for the flat fee that’s added, as well as a tax category for this fee.

  • Do Not Bill And Roll Into Next Bill — Bills which fall below the minimum are rolled into the subsequent month.

    Example: If the minimum billable amount is $5 and the customer’s rental is $3 for January, that $3 will be rolled into February. This $3 amount will show up on the February rental bill as Previous Unbilled Balance.

    Rollovers are included in the bill as a “flat fee” with no detail included. The amount that is rolled over do not appear in accounting integration until it is actually billed.

    It is possible that unbilled amounts may be rolled into another year, as below minimum amounts in December will be rolled into January.


Setting the Minimum to Zero

If the minimum is set at $0, the effect is that there is no minimum. Consequently, the customer would always be billed when there are rental charges, even if the rental charges for the month are $.01.