TrackAbout Administration

TrackAbout Dashboard

The TrackAbout Dashboard should be a staple of your daily TrackAbout Administrative activities. The Dashboard provides information about unresolved issues pertaining to your data.

It's important to review your dashboard regularly to address issues. Many TrackAbout clients identify an internal TrackAbout Administrator responsible for the health of their TrackAbout system.

See Dashboard Maintenance for more detailed information about managing your Dashboard.

As part of your Quick Start Implementation, below we will discuss some of the more important aspects of Dashboard Maintenance.

Sync Problems

On the TrackAbout Dashboard, the number adjacent to Sync Problems represents the number of sync attempts that did not fully process. There are a number of reasons why a device would fail to fully process once it reaches the TrackAbout server. The TrackAbout support team will attempt to handle these sync problems proactively if they come up.

Reconciling Customer Audits

Performing a complete customer audit is a two-step process. Step one is the scanning of assets while at the customer location.

Step two is the reconciliation of the scans performed on site. This is typically carried out by one designated person and is performed from the web site.

The audit findings are not applied to TrackAbout balances until the reconciliation process is completed in the web site!

Mapping New Product Codes: Collisions

An asset collision is a condition that occurs when a barcode or serial number is scanned or keyed-in on a record, and TrackAbout cannot resolve the barcode or serial number to target exactly one asset in the system. For a variety of reasons, but usually data entry errors, there can be two or more assets in the system with the same barcode or serial number. When TrackAbout cannot find one and only one asset that matches, it instead attaches a collision to the record. Collisions on records are called out on the Dashboard page and are one of the conditions that TrackAbout administrators need to be aware of and clean up on a regular basis. The collision attached to the record contains all the known information about the asset that was scanned or keyed in. The collision resolution webpage also provides additional information about the possible matches in order to help the admin resolve the collision. TrackAbout will attempt to auto-resolve any collisions as they might occur by checking other properties of the two or more assets that were located, such as those assets' classifications, product codes, and physical locations. If TrackAbout can intuit that only one of the assets that matched could possibly be the asset in question, it will auto-resolve the collision, no user intervention is required, and no actual collision will be created.