Fill (Simple)

Fill (Simple) lets you record the filling of assets with your smart device.


These instructions are for the base version of TrackAbout Mobile 7. Because TrackAbout Mobile 7 is highly customizable, the screens and prompts you see may differ from those shown here.

To use Fill:

  1. Start Fill

  2. Select a product code

  3. Add assets

  4. Review and save



Start Fill


Tap Fill to begin.


Select a Product Code

Select the product code of the fill material.


— Tap to search for a product code. Search results are displayed automatically once you enter at least two characters.

— Tap scan a product code barcode.


Tap a product code to select it.


Tap NEXT to continue.


Enter Lot Number


Depending on your TrackAbout configuration, you may go straight to Review Fill instead of this screen.

Tap the Lot Number field to enter a lot number for the fill, or use the suggested number, if one is provided.

Tap NEXT to scan an asset, then continue to Review Fill.


Review Fill

Review the details of the fill.


Scan additional assets.

— Manually add an asset.

— Additional options.

Register new assetRegister a new asset for filling.

Add productAdd a not-scanned product for filling.

When you're finished adding assets, tap NEXT to continue.



Tap SAVE to finish.


Add Product

Select the number of non-scanned assets being filled.


— Add one to the quantity.

— Subtract one from the quantity (minimum 0)


Tap DONE to continue.



Register New Asset - Ownership

Select the asset's owner from the list or scan an ownership ID barcode.

— For long lists, tap to search for ownership. Search results are displayed automatically once you enter at least two characters.

— Tap to scan an ownership ID barcode.

Tap an owner to select it.

Tap NEXT to continue.



Register New Asset - Barcode

Tap the Barcode field orto scan the existing asset's tracking barcode.

Tap the Serial Number field and enter a serial number, orto scan in a serial number.

Tap NEXT to create the asset and continue.


The asset will automatically be given the product code of the material being used to fill it, as well as the lot number of the fill