Flag for Maintenance

Flag for Maintenance lets you scan an asset and mark it as needing some form of maintenance.


These instructions are for the base version of TrackAbout Mobile 7. Because TrackAbout Mobile 7 is highly customizable, the screens and prompts you see may differ from those shown here.

To use Flag for Maintenance:

  1. Start Flag for Maintenance

  2. Select the type of maintenance needed

  3. Attach photos to show problem(s)


Start Flag for Maintenance

Flag for Maintenance

Tap Flag For Maintenance to begin by scanning the asset being flagged, and then continue to Review.



Review your selection.

To remove an item, tap it then tap.

— Manually enter a tracking code.

Scan a tracking code using your device's camera.

— Tap for additional options.

Add PhotoAdd a photo.

Tap NEXT to continue.


Select Maintenance Reason

Tap to select the reason(s) maintenance is needed, then tap NEXT to continue.


Attach Photos

Take up to 5 photos that illustrate why maintenance is needed.

Tap to add a new photo using your device's camera.

— Tap to display additional options.

Pick Existing Photo Choose an image from your device.

Tap SAVE to finish.