Load Truck (Simple)

Use Load Truck to let TrackAbout know that an asset, not-scanned asset, hardgood, or consumable is on a truck, for tracking purposes.


These instructions are for the base version of TrackAbout Mobile 7. Because TrackAbout Mobile 7 is highly customizable, the screens and prompts you see may differ from those shown here.


How to use Load Truck:

  1. Launch Load Truck

  2. Load truck


Launch Load Truck

Load Truck

Tap Load Truck to begin.



Item's you've scanned for load appear here.

Scan additional items.

— Additional options.

Add ProductAdd hardgoods or not-scanned items by product code.

View DetailsSee a list of the assets and their tracking numbers.

Scan items as you load them.

Tap SAVE when you're done loading.



Add Product — Select Product Code

Select a product code to add.

Search Products — Search for a product code.

— Search for a product code.

Scan a product code.

Tap NEXT to adjust the quantity.


Add Product — Select Quantity

Adjust the number of the product to load on the truck.

Quantity — Tap to add and tap to subtract as needed.

DONE — Tap to finish editing the quantity.


Item Details

This screen list the items you've loaded (and scanned), including their tracking number and product code, if any.

DONE — Tap to return to Review.