Return Action

This action is sometimes called Basic Delivery (or Standard Delivery, or Standard Deliver/Return, or Non-Paperless Delivery). This is the delivery workflow that customers who do not use Proof of Delivery would use.

At its heart, the core of delivery is that a user, usually a truck driver, is fulfilling an order. They are delivering ordered goods to a customer and possibly picking up returnable or empty goods.


This action provides the following capabilities, many of which are enabled or disabled by configuration:

TrackAbout Mobile 6 Standard Delivery Work Flow

The screens shown on the handheld will vary depending on how your Delivery feature is configured. Here is a graphic to show some of the possible workflows:


If using the Truck Load / Unload module, the user logged in must be set up as a Truck Driver in order for their deliveries to be included when reconciling the truck load at the end of the day.


TrackAbout provides a delivery verification process to manage transactions being made with your customers.

Demo and Questions

Please feel free to contact our Support Team to set up a demonstration and answer your questions about Standard Delivery.